Anyway...this firm came highly recommended by every accountant I talked to. They have the largest tax practice in Birmingham, even compared to the national firms. It's located in a shopping center that I LOVE, and that I also work part-time at. I start in November. I found another job at pottery barn kids! Goodbye Temping for AMICO and working at a steel factory. Hello, pretty shopping mall and adorable kids furniture. I get 40% off and Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma, so that will help decorate our apartment. Also, I can't believe how I've been getting by in the kitchen without some of the gadgets they have at Williams Sonoma. How can I function without a garlic press, silpa't, microplane grater, silicone wisk, etc? I bought these "pop up sponges" and they are so cool. The expand to like 15X their size!
Mike is doing great in his first semester of law school. He is the only LDS person in his class. There is an LDS girl who is a 2L and an LDS guy who is a 3L. He has discovered that many people have misconceptions about LDS people or don't know anything at all. Missionary opportunities abound. He is very sharp in class, and his teachers choose to move on from questioning him to someone else who isn't so quick with responses. I'm so proud of him. He studies very hard, and I'm sure it will pay off in December when finals come.